Data Visualization
Transforming healthcare operations through innovative data visualization solutions.
Smart Notifications
Tele-Sepsis™ using remote patient monitoring allows for delivery of care and the sepsis bundle elements within the appropriate time windows. Tele-Sepsis™ employs smart notifications that directly notify the right care givers at the right time of a potential sepsis development in a patient and using smart escalation, continue to notify care givers via a smart sepsis alert until someone on the team takes the appropriate action.
Sepsis DART™ guides care teams through the sepsis process of care. With our configurable sepsis alert algorithms, Sepsis DART™ automates early detection of potential sepsis conditions and provides smart notifications to improve critical timeliness of care and elimination of errors. Sepsis DART™ improves sepsis outcomes and is included in the Patient Safety Movement’s Actionable Patient Safety Solutions. AWARE Sepsis DART™ system is proven to impact the outcome of real patients.
Operational Efficiency
AWARE™ (Ambient Warning and Response Evaluation) combines Audio Visual, indicative and predictive analytics, data from bedside devices, EHR data, data visualization, and reporting capabilities into one normalized platform. AWARE™ increases physician and nurse efficiency, aiding the labor shortage while reducing provider fatigue & errors, and saves lives through clinical situational awareness. Created by clinicians for clinicians and vetted with Mayo Clinic, AWARE™ delivers a real-time digital health platform for remote patient monitoring, surveillance, and actionable information. AWARE™ is backed by published studies validating improved outcomes and reduced costs in both critical care and general inpatient areas. With our Clinical Mesh Network™, we allow you to deliver care from not only the ICU but in skilled nursing facilities and into the home, regardless of your location.
Transforming healthcare with real-time data and smart notifications.